
In the past few years numerical modelling has increased in popularity and has been recognized as a powerful tool for investigating the electromagnetic and thermal behaviour of superconductors, and of HTS in particular. Several groups around the world have been working on the development and tests of several models. It has been acknowledged that communication between people involved in this discipline should improve, in order to speed up the advances of this field and also to limit work duplication.

The first step in this direction was taken in 2010, with the organization of a workshop in Lausanne, Switzerland. The large number of attendees and the positive feedback lead to the organization of other workshops in the following years — see Workshop section for more details.

During these workshops, many participants recognized the need of having a permanent platform on the internet for facilitating exchanges between researchers and accessing up-to-date information on the latest developments. The aim of this website is to be that platform. Please browse through the menu on the top to access the different pages of this website. Do not hesitate to contact us for comments, critics and suggestions.

If you want to be informed about the next events like workshops or special sessions in conferences related to HTS modelling, please send your name, institution and email adress to the Webmasters.

Events Calendar

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  • 7th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling of HTS.